Eva Storskrubb
Eva Storskrubb is Associate Professor (docent) and Senior Lecturer (lektor) in procedural law at Uppsala University, Sweden. Her research focuses on the impact of EU law on civil justice and transnational dispute resolution in civil and commercial matters including private international law. Her recent publications include: 'EU Civil Justice at the Harmonisation Crossroads?' in A. Nylund and M. Strandberg (eds), Civil Procedure and Harmonisation of Law (Intersentia, 2019) and 'Navigating EU Law and the Law of Arbitration: From the Horizon of Commercial Arbitration in Sweden' in E. Bylander, A. Jonsson Cornell and J. Rangwaldh (eds), Forward! – Bперёд! – Framåt!: Essays in Honour of Prof Dr Kaj Hobér (Iustus, 2019).